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Men's Forums



Do not say maybe, if you want to say no!

Do not get angry, this in no way should lead to an argument. With emotions at an all-time high, the last thing you should do is become aggressive in your tone, your language or your body language. It is hard for her as well. As much as you may think that she is being insensitive and that she is embarrassing you, how do you think she feels having to tell you something that she knows, could break your heart? If you are in a public place, get away from prying eyes. There is nothing worse than having people stare and intrude into your life, even with such a public declaration. Whether it be to the car or a separate location, move and hear her side of the story. It might not be something you want to hear, but leaving the situation with bad blood could actually end the amazing relationship you have when it does not have to.

have when it does not have to. Many men might conclude that she did not love him and was probably just there for whatever benefits she was getting from him, bearing in mind that he had invested so much time, finances, and emotion into the relationship. Any man would be frustrated and feel betrayed, because he thought the exchange or return for his investment, would be a lifetime commitment, from the love of his life. She obviously did not believe this to be the case, therefore, turning you down.


The worst kind of hurt is betrayalOne

Secrecy is the active state of intentionally keeping information hidden from one or more people. In general, beyond professional requirements for confidentiality, if you keep something secret it is because you fear the impact (on yourself or others) that the information might have, if it were openly known. What often underlies secrecy is a fear of judgment or reprisal. When your secrecy is violated, you may feel as if you have lost control over the information and how others respond to it. So you might feel afraid, anxious, concerned, and angry, and want to pull away. Infidelity always involves the keeping of important sexual and/or romantic secrets, and the reason those secrets are kept is fear. Here is an example of online infidelity, “at lunch time, I left work and hooked up with a guy I met online, I do not have to tell my partner because this is private and it does not affect our relationship, and what he does not know won’t hurt him”. This is not keeping information private; it is actually keeping secrets from one another. If you are wondering whether a certain piece of hidden information involves privacy or secrecy, ask yourself a simple question, if the person I am keeping this information from knew the entire truth, would he or she be hurt or angry? If the answer is yes, then you are keeping a secret.



Decisions Determine Our Destiny

One study found that daily fitness is good for memory and decreases chances of Alzheimer's. people who exercise have greater brain volume in areas of the brain associated with reasoning and executive function. Increased aerobic capacity boosts brain structure, function and cognition, people have found exercise can improve mood. Aerobic exercise, like running and swimming, appears to be best for brain health since these increase your heart rate, which means the body pumps more blood to the brain, and strength training, like weight lifting, may also bring benefits to the brain by increasing heart rate.Your brain needs information to process in order to continually develop new connections. If the brain is not firing, it is not wiring, and this ages it. If you do not use your brain, you lose it very quickly. Memory fades and reality becomes less clear and compelling. Scanning Facebook or passively scanning articles does not challenge the brain enough.In order for your brain to thrive, you need to continually give it higher quality information, which is often above your cognitive level. You also want to learn actively, which means you should be taking notes and linking what you are learning in your memory through visualization.


Fitting Into That Tux !

How early, and how often should you exercise? Aim for five training days per week and begin about three months before your wedding day. But especially if you are not the most diligent of exercisers right now, do not jump into it all at once, because pulling a hammy or tweaking your back during that first week could put you out of commission for some time, and time you do not have. Gradually increase your intensity level during the first two weeks, and gradually bring it back down during the last two. Walking down the aisle in a cast or visibly limping your way through the first dance are good looks.Do I need a gym? Gyms are, extremely helpful in your quest. But really, the goal here is to find time to be active for 45-60 minutes at a time, 5-6 days a week, and this can take a lot of different forms. Resistance bands, abdominal wheels, and other low-cost fitness equipment can add some variety, and even taking an hour for a simple circuit consisting of a 3-minute brisk walk or jog followed by 10 push-ups, 10 squats, and 10 crunches works in a pinch. Being consistent and purposeful about your workouts is more important than anything else.

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You’ve bent the knee and she said yes! You’re excited for the big day to come and start thinking about what you can do to look your best for your wedding day. I’ve got you covered with the ultimate guide to get you wedding ready. PRE-WEDDING WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Being the groom, all eyes are going to be on you (when they’re not on the bride, sorry). But we all know your wedding pictures are going to be posted everywhere and probably the canvas in your home whilst you enjoy your morning coffee. I think it’s safe to assume the pressure is on for you to look you best and your fiancé is probably already changing up what you both eat for dinner in preparation. Now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your weight loss journey is not a sprint, but instead a marathon. Understandably time is a key factor so the further in advance you get started, the higher the likelihood of you reaching your goal. If time is not on your side, it may be tempting to follow overly restrictive crash diets as a quick fix however it is still much more sustainable and effective to lose weight the right way so here are some tips to get you started:


Steroids are a no, no but gym is a go, go Steroid

at first used by athletes to improve their athletic abilities and provide them with an advantage in their competitive sport. However, in recent years, young people, have been taking these man-made substances.Steroid use is dangerous and can lead to serious medical and psychological complications. It is important that you understand the consequences of taking steroids. Anabolic steroids are synthetic or man-made substances related to testosterone. Testosterone is the male sex hormone that is responsible for the growth of bones and muscles, and for the development of masculine features such as, facial hair and a deeper voice. It also increases muscle mass and muscle strength. Although it may take a little longer, you can get the same effects by following a supervised and safe weight training program and good nutrition.Steroids are controlled substances, available by prescription and are used to treat specific medical conditions. It is not illegal to possess steroids for personal use, but possession for trafficking is illegal. Since steroids are illegal to get without a doctor's prescription, this has resulted in a widespread black market supply of steroids. Steroids obtained through illegal means may be counterfeit (not the same as you would get from a doctor) and possibly impure

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